How to submit Wallet Address for Whitelist Presale

Click on the Discord invite link, answer the questions , and read the rules.

Complete tasks on the navigation list.

Click on the 【🐱︱1st-shakespemeow-wallet-address-submit】channel

Select Submit, and enter your wallet address. You can use the Check Wallet to verify if your wallet has been successfully submitted.

If you don’t have any blockchain wallets, you can refer to Metamask’s instructions on how to register a wallet.

Our NFT distribution is on the Polygon main net, please make sure you are linked to the  Polygon main net when submitting your wallet address. If you need RPC information, please refer to the link below.


Congratulations, you have been added to the white list and assigned the role 1st-shakespemeow-WaitingPreSale!

You will see a new private channel 【🐱︱1st-shakespemeow-waiting-space】, where we will confirm with everyone before the sale starts if your wallet address has been recorded on the white list. Please pay attention to the official latest sale news to avoid missing out on the white list presale time.

Note: If you leave the StoryNFT server during this period, your white list eligibility will be canceled. Assuming there are still 1000 slots available, you may resubmit.
